
Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the
Camelot Residences Association Inc.
On February 10, 2020, at the Titusville Library

Call to Order:
Management called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.

Establishment of Quorum:
Board members present were Jason Andersen, Gerald Britton and Don Drake. Kathy Watts represented Dragon Property Management.

Approval of Minutes from October 14, 2019:
Don Drake made a motion to approve the October 14, 2019 Board Meeting minutes. Jason Andersen seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Elections of Officers:

Don Drake made a motion for Jerry Britton to serve as President. Jason Andersen seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Jerry Britton made a motion for Jason Andersen to serve as Vice-President. Don Drake seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Jason Andersen made a motion for Don Drake to serve as Secretary/Treasurer. Jerry Britton seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Directors will be:

The 2020 Board of Directors is as follows:

President: Jerry Britton
Vice President: Jason Andersen
Secretary/Treasurer: Don Drake

Old Business: None at this time.

New Business:
Condominium Document Revision vote: Management requested authorization to resubmit the proposed condominium document revisions for a vote. Jason Andersen made a motion to authorize the resubmission. Jerry Britton seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

-Porch responsibility and colors
** the Apartment Owner shall have the sole responsibility for cleaning, maintaining, replacing and repairing Apartment doors, door facings, windows window facings and screens unless the Association otherwise deter­mines. All repairs and replacements thereof shall conform' in color, style and quality to the plan and architecture of the Building;

Jerry Britton made a motion to allow only “bronze color” to be used for window frames and screen porch frames. Anyone using other colors will need to replace with bronze. Don Drake seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.


Next Board Meeting: The next scheduled Board meeting will be on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the on-site office.

With no further business to discuss, Don Drake made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30p.m. Jason Andersen seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Watts
Kathy Watts, CMCA, LCAM
Dragon Property Management
Board of Directors, Camelot Residences Association, Inc.