Desoto Condo

B & R Pest Control 
Third Thursday of every other month
Feb-April-June -August-Oct-Dec
Third Thursday - Beginning at 9:30 a.m.



CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by Tony Armes at 6:30pm.

VERIFY QUORUM:  President-Tony Armes, Secretary-Toni McCollom, Treasurer-Jill Vogel and Directors Josh Aikens and Darrell Davis were in attendance.  Kathy Watts represented Dragon Property Management.  Also in attendance were Eileen McGowan-unit 3, Lynn Davis-unit 4, Susan Suomi-unit 5, Nancy Armes-unit 6, Al Figuly-unit 10, George Dolomanuk-unit 14 and Pat & Vince Santino-unit 15.


  • North & East pool fence and garage door replacement:  A spreadsheet was distributed showing the cost of the garage entrance doors.  The Board discussed imposing a Special Assessment at the September meeting.  The fence for the north and east side will cost $6,494.00 plus $800 for the damaged gazebo removal which totals $7294.  The cost of six (6) garage entrance doors plus hardware, permitting and installation will cost $4500.  Tony Armes made a motion to Special Assess all owners for the fence replacement and the replacement of six (6) doors and hardware totaling $11,794.  Total assessment for each unit will be $655.00 and can be split into 2 payments, if necessary, one for $327.50 due December 1st and the second for $327.50 due on January 1st.  The immediate funds for the fence payment will be borrowed from Reserve Painting then replaced when the Special Assessments are paid. Any excess funds from the Special Assessment will be deposited into Deferred Maintenance. Josh Aikens seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.  The Board discussed getting a few bids for the installation of the garage entrance doors.


  • Property Insurance Discussion:  Kathy explained that since any damage was due to a named hurricane, our deductible would be 3% of the property value which would be upwards of $60,000.  Some condominiums opt for a 5% deductible which would lower the insurance premium but greatly raise the deductible.
PROJECTS:  (in order of importance)
1) Seal asphalt

NEXT MEETING:  The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2016 at 6:00pm.   

ADJOURNMENT:  With no further business to discuss, Jill Vogel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm.  Toni McCollom seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote. 

Respectfully submitted,
Toni McCollom
Board Secretary

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