Desoto Condo

B & R Pest Control 
Third Thursday of every other month
Feb-April-June -August-Oct-Dec
Third Thursday - Beginning at 9:30 a.m.


CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by Jill Vogel at 6:00pm.

VERIFY QUORUM:  Jill Vogel, Karen D’Amato, Pat Baldwin and Toni McCollom.  Vincent Santino was not able to attend.  Kathy Watts represented Dragon Property Management.

Pat Baldwin made a motion to accept the minutes from the September 23, 2015 Board Meeting as presented.  Toni McCollom seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote. 

Wall update:  Jill reported that the wall is almost completed.  

Board approval of 2016 Budget:
Kathy stated that Florida Statute requires the Board to prepare a budget that includes 100% funding of reserves.  Jill Vogel motioned to approve the 2016 Proposed Budget with 100% reserve funding and a monthly assessment of $450.00 dollars per unit/per month. Karen D’Amato seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

Discussion and results of owner vote to waive full reserve funding in 2016:
Kathy stated that Florida Statute also allows, if the Board chooses, to present a budget with less than 100% of reserve funding to the owners and to allow the owners to vote on their preference.  This year’s Board has presented to the owners a choice of either 100% reserve funding at $450 per month or a budget with less than 50% of reserve funding at no more than $370 per month. Management reported that a majority of owners responding, ten (10) owners, voted in favor of a 2016 budget with less than 50% of reserve funding and two (2) owners voted in favor of a budget with 100% funding of reserves. 

Pat Baldwin made a motion to accept the 2016 Proposed Budget presented by Dragon Property Management with a partial funded Reserve for an assessment per month of $370. Karen D’Amato seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

Affirm termination of Pearce Pest Control and contract with Slug-a-Bug:   Toni McCollom made a motion to terminate the contract with Pearce Pest Control and contract with Slug-a-Bug for lawn fertilizing, weed control and insect control.  Pat Baldwin seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.
Bank Accounts:  Jill Vogel explained that we’re having continuous problems with TD Bank and suggested the association move their funds to another bank.

Jill Vogel made a motion to transfer the accounts from TD Bank to Wells Fargo. Jill also added to the motion that Kathy Watts be added as a signer.   The change will be accomplished after the annual meeting so that any new Board members can add their name(s) to the signature cards.  Toni McCollom seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

NEXT MEETING:  The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 25, 2016 at 6:00pm. 

ADJOURNMENT:  With no further business to discuss, Pat Baldwin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:35pm.  Toni McCollom seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote. 

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Watts
Kathy Watts, CMCA, LCAM                      
Dragon Property Management

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