Desoto Condo

B & R Pest Control
Third Thursday of every other month
Feb-April-June -August-Oct-Dec
Third Thursday - Beginning at 9:30 a.m



CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President, Toni McCollom at 5:39pm.

VERIFY QUORUM: President- Toni McCollom, Treasurer-Jill Vogel. Secretary-Carol Kueppers and Director Nisha Pradhan. Bob Moody was absent.

Jill Vogel made a motion to accept the minutes from the February 3. 2020 Organizational Meeting as presented. Toni McCollom seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was mentioned at this time.


Board approval of 2021 Budget:
Toni stated that Florida Statute requires the Board to prepare a budget that includes 100% funding of reserves. Jill Vogel motioned to approve the 2021 Proposed Budget with 100% reserve funding and a monthly assessment of $499.40 dollars per unit/per month. Carol Kueppers seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

Discussion and results of owner vote to waive full reserve funding in 2021:
Toni stated that Florida Statute also allows, if the Board chooses, to present a budget with less than 100% of reserve funding to the owners and to allow the owners to vote on their preference. This year’s Board has presented to the owners a choice of either 100% reserve funding at $499.40 per month or a budget with less than 50% of reserve funding at no more than $410 per month. Toni stated that Carol Kueppers reported that a majority of fifteen (15) owners responded.

Thirteen (13) owners, voted in favor of a 2021 budget with less than 50% of reserve funding and two (2) owners voted in favor of a budget with 100% funding of reserves.

Carol Kueppers made a motion to accept the 2021 Proposed Budget presented by Dragon Property Management with a partial funded Reserve for an assessment per month of $410. Jill Vogel second the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.


1)Roofing: Toni stated that we have filed a claim with the insurance company for the damage that was caused to the roofs by the hail storm on March 27, 2019. The roofs have been inspected by the Roof Inspector, The Insurance Adjuster and the Engineer for the insurance company. The engineer submitted his report on 10/16/19. We are still waiting for the insurance and insurance to present an amount to replace the roofs.

NEXT MEETING: Jill Vogel made a motion and Toni McCollom second to have the Annual Meeting on February 3rd, 2021 in the laundry room at 5:30pm.

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to discuss, Toni McCollom made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 pm. Nisha Pradham seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Carol Kueppers

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